YEPAW Summer Workshop
Founded in 1990, Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop is an intensive, one-week workshop which serves to cultivate exploration of a variety of creative and performing arts in youth ages 12 to 21. Whether you have years of experience with a particular art form or you’d simply like to explore an area of interest, YEPAW is the place for you. Each year, the workshop closes with a large community concert to showcase the songs and skills that have been developed and perfected all week long. Whether as a participant, an ELAB team member, or a volunteer—we want you to be a part!
Dream it.
And then God Answered: “Write this. Write what you see, Write it out so it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming.
Habakkuk 2:2 MSG
Build it.
So as the body is without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
James 2: 26 KJV
Grow it.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season; his leaf also hall not wither; and what so ever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalms 1:3 KJV
The gifts that are cultivated in just one week are mind blowing!
Excellence is in our name, and we are committed to encouraging our young people to go after nothing less. Don’t settle for just being a singer—sharpen your gift as a vocalist. Don’t settle for just the ability to draw—create a masterpiece. Don’t settle just speaking the vision but also develop the film or the stage play. The opportunities are endless when you dedicate yourself to your craft.
Find out more about which classes you’d like to experience!
“The age gap between me and a 12 year-old is getting wider and wider, and I need you to stand in the gap for me to reach our young people. “
-LPB, Founder & Executive Director
Do you have a heart for serving those not far behind you? Has the Lord given you a passion for calling your peers higher? Or what about setting an example for those who are soon to walk in your shoes?
The word of God teaches in 1 Timothy chapter 4 (MSG) that we shouldn’t let anyone look down on us because we are young. Instead we should teach believers with our lives: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. The word encourages us to stay at our post sharing scripture, giving counsel, and teaching.
Learn more about how you can serve on our Emerging Leaders Advisory Board (E.L.A.B.) and make a difference today!
“People may forget what you did, they may forget what you’ve said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” -MAYA ANGELOU
This quote is a true definition of those that have been serving our young people for now 31 years. A YEPAW heart isn’t created, it is felt. Wether it’s serving meals or serving a smile, our young people come first.
Share the love of God with the hearts of our youth.