from $50.00 every month

Partner with us as a YEPAW Dream Giver. This new initiative will allow us to:

• Provide our traditional overnight housing experience which has been a staple of YEPAW for decades.

• Reduce the total cost per participant and per family with multiple participants in order to make the DREAM as affordable as possible for every participant and family.

• Secure a YEPAW 365 Home where participants and those connected to The DREAM can freely and safely gather to make the YEPAW lifestyle tangible and visible throughout the year beyond the Summer Workshop.

• Support YEPAW’s annual operating costs to fund the behind the scenes of what makes YEPAW possible.

YEPAW Dream Givers partner with YEPAW monthly at various contributor levels: $50, $75, $100, or another amount of the Dream Giver’s choice between or beyond these levels. At these levels, YEPAW Dream Givers will be invited to exclusive events and will receive recognition unless otherwise requested.


Partner with us as a YEPAW Dream Giver. This new initiative will allow us to:

• Provide our traditional overnight housing experience which has been a staple of YEPAW for decades.

• Reduce the total cost per participant and per family with multiple participants in order to make the DREAM as affordable as possible for every participant and family.

• Secure a YEPAW 365 Home where participants and those connected to The DREAM can freely and safely gather to make the YEPAW lifestyle tangible and visible throughout the year beyond the Summer Workshop.

• Support YEPAW’s annual operating costs to fund the behind the scenes of what makes YEPAW possible.

YEPAW Dream Givers partner with YEPAW monthly at various contributor levels: $50, $75, $100, or another amount of the Dream Giver’s choice between or beyond these levels. At these levels, YEPAW Dream Givers will be invited to exclusive events and will receive recognition unless otherwise requested.

Partner with us as a YEPAW Dream Giver. This new initiative will allow us to:

• Provide our traditional overnight housing experience which has been a staple of YEPAW for decades.

• Reduce the total cost per participant and per family with multiple participants in order to make the DREAM as affordable as possible for every participant and family.

• Secure a YEPAW 365 Home where participants and those connected to The DREAM can freely and safely gather to make the YEPAW lifestyle tangible and visible throughout the year beyond the Summer Workshop.

• Support YEPAW’s annual operating costs to fund the behind the scenes of what makes YEPAW possible.

YEPAW Dream Givers partner with YEPAW monthly at various contributor levels: $50, $75, $100, or another amount of the Dream Giver’s choice between or beyond these levels. At these levels, YEPAW Dream Givers will be invited to exclusive events and will receive recognition unless otherwise requested.